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Born and raised in London, Lois still resides in her home city. She is a freelance Production Assistant with a passion for films combining an important social message with beautiful cinematography. She is currently moving more into Art Department and Wardrobe. 


After completing her A-Levels at La SWAP 6th form, she went on to study Cinema and Photography at the University of Leeds.  Here she focused a lot of her work around the media's influence in society; including a final film about the media and how it encourages prejudices against people based on their image. She finished her 3 year course with a 2:1 and went on to work at award winning film makers, The Edge Picture Company, for 2 years. 


It was here that she built up her experience and learnt what it takes to be a successful producer. Working mainly on corporate dramas she worked her way up to Production Assistant and started managing projects for Tesco, UKPN and the NCA. 



In May 2016 she took the jump into the freelance world. Here she delved into advertising and short films and has created video content for The Guardian, Visit Guernsey, McDonalds and Principal Hotels - amongst others. 



On the side Lois makes jewellery and pottery. She loves to travel and does a lot of street and travel photography - focusing on the day to day life of people in different locations. When photographing her home city, London, Lois always tries to see through the eyes of a tourist, capturing the everyday things that otherwise pass us by. 

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